SFB 597 Staatlichkeit im Wandel

182 Treffer

<< < 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 > >>

161. Prävention und Intervention: Konzeptionelle Entwicklungen in den Vereinten Nationen von der Agenda für den Frieden bis zum Bericht des High-Level Panels on Threats, Challenges and Change
Weinlich, Silke
162. Prospects for a European welfare state : lessons from welfare state development in six OECD-Federations
Obinger, Herbert ; Leibfried, Stephan ; Castles, Francis G.
163. Resilient or residual? : From the wage earners' welfare state to market conformity in New Zealand
Starke, Peter
164. Risk regulation, trade and international law : debating the precautionary principle in and around the WTO
Gerstetter, Christiane ; Maier, Matthias Leonhard
165. Selling off the "family silver" : the politics of privatization in the OECD 1990-2000
Obinger, Herbert ; Zohlnhöfer, Reimut
166. Sicherheitspolitische Interventionen der Europäischen Union : Rahmenbedingungen, Kompetenzen und Interaktionsmuster
Mayer, Sebastian
167. The political economy of bilateralism and multilateralism : institutional choice in international trade and taxation
Rixen, Thomas ; Rohlfing, Ingo
168. The self-regulatory German health care system between growing competition and state hierarchy
Wendt, Claus ; Rothgang, Heinz ; Helmert, Uwe
169. Transnationale Diskurse in der europäischen Medienöffentlichkeit : die Debatte zum EU-Beitritt der Türkei
Wimmel, Andreas
170. Types of governance in education : a quantitative analysis
Windzio, Michael ; Sackmann, Reinhold ; Martens, Kerstin
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